Check out a pretty good article from the Children's Book Insider, providing some teen views on what they're into and what they're over. Granted, it's only a few girls and these are just their individual opinions, but I still always find it helpful to read/hear insight from teens. My favorite quote in the article:
"Finally, I have a request. Write a normal love interest for us. Someone who isn’t all mysterious and dark and brooding. Someone who doesn’t have eyes that convey hidden depths or battle scars that form weird tattoos. Someone who doesn’t display exceedingly stalkerish traits and isn’t illogically overprotective. Someone who isn’t named Damien."
I think Andrew is a pretty 'normal' love interest. He certainly doesn't convey any hidden depths, lol. For some reason, I've always had a 'thing' for arrogant boys. Sigh. What does that say about me...?
Ok, enough psychoanalysis. Check out the article here: