Thursday, November 4, 2010

Maybe this time...I'll Wiiiiiiin!

"All the odds are, they're in my favor, something's bound to give in. It's gonna happen, happen sometime. Maybe this time... Maybe this time I'll wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!"

So I've previously mentioned that I have a bunch of songs I repeatedly listen to on YouTube and/or Grooveshark when I'm feeling down about the Agent Search (yes, I know that shouldn't technically be capitalized, but it's a really big deal in my life OK? lol)

This is the song I sing to myself whenever I get a response to a submission, before I actually open it.

(Yeah, I know it's actually from Cabaret but I'm a total Gleek so I listen to this version. And, yes, I know I am incredibly melodramatic. I'm okay with that.)

Maybe This Time - Glee Version (feat Kristin Chenowith & Lea Michele)