Sunday, September 26, 2010

So what's going on with the book?

Good question. I'm still in literary limbo trying to land my book with the right agent who will love it the way I do. So far I've had more rejections than I can count on my hands, but I've also gotten some helpful feedback and have ten current requests that are being reviewed by agents as we speak. (Ok, I'm writing this at 2:43 AM so the chance that they are actually reading my book right now is slim. But I'm sure it's on their to-do lists!) The average response time for a submission (I send query letter, if agent is intrigued they respond with a request to read it, I send them the book and that's a submission) is 6-8 weeks, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. It depends on the agent's schedule, what kind of work they're balancing for current clients, whether they dedicate nights and weekends to reading submissions, etc. A good agent is dedicated to their current clients so reading submissions from potential clients seems to be something they kind of fit into their schedules when they find the time. Let's hope they find some time for me real soon!

What happens next?

Well, agents will respond in 1 of 3 ways:

Rejection - Bad. Boooo!

Request for revision - Better. Means they see potential and may offer representation if they fully connect with my story after I make some suggested changes

Offer of Representation - BEST! They offer to represent me and sell my book.

So now I'm wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' that I'll have good news to report soon. Will keep you posted!