Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feeling Optimistic

I've been working on a new project for the last few hours and am feeling pretty good about it. Plot holes are starting to come together in my head. My characters tend to be like real people, in that it takes time to get to know them, and they won't reveal everything in the beginning no matter how much I try to rush the relationship. I was writing for two months before I figured out how Jasmine got her superpowers. I had the entire plot mapped out but there was just this small issue of how she happened to be super. Which is clearly, not a small issue at all. And the idea didn't come while I was writing either, I was actually crossing the street by the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro Stop in DC and I tripped. And a light bulb went off. Random right? 

I'm learning to accept that sometimes I can't force the ideas, and they will come when they're good and ready. In the meantime I just keep writing, writing, writing - and depending on the gaps to fill themselves in as I get there. 

Since the last YouTube video I posted was incredibly melodramatic (What can I say? I'm an artiste. And all that pent up emotion makes for good material), I'm going to post something a bit more inspirational today. Another song I've mentally remixed to be about my writing experience, and the song I plan to sing all day when I sign w/ the right agent. From Legally Blonde, the Musical. (Love that movie!)

(video not mine, embedded from YouTube)