That looks like a pincushion she's holding, but it's the heart of some poor aspiring designer.
So I was watching Project Runway tonight (I'm not a regular viewer, I'll flip to it if it happens to be on when I'm in the mood to watch TV), and for the first time it hit me how difficult it must be to stand up on that runway and take harsh criticism from the judges. As the bottom three designers got feedback from Heidi and the crew, I realized that being on Project Runway is a lot like the process of trying to get a literary agent.
-You send out a sample of your work to experts (fashion portfolio to producers/query letter to agents)
-Said agents either reject you outright or ask to see more
-You take a last look at your creation, something which is intensely personal and a reflection of yourself, and you release your fragile baby into the world...
Fashion, like writing, is a subjective art. There are clear no-no's (crooked seams, ragged hems, bad grammar and spelling), but even when you've studied your craft and followed the rules, there will be people who don't like what you've done creatively. But what's a terrible fit for one person, is someone else's Cinderella dress.
The query and submission process is rough. But through it all, I remind myself, that it could be worse. I'm not getting rejected on a stage in front of my peers, while agents stare me down and giggle behind their cue cards.
And more importantly....
There are no cameras.
Just for Fun:
Tim Gunn says, and I quote, "Make it work. Carry on. Holla at your boy!" Loves it.(From: