Thursday, January 27, 2011

Because I love Superheroes & this is AWESOME

SUPERHERO APRONS! These immediately made me have a Veruca Salt moment (Give it to me, NOW!) There's not really much to say except that these are brilliant and incredible.

Check out the creator's website here:
Bethany Sew-and-Sew. How cute is that name? I'm in total fangirl Heaven right now. And as soon as I get some disposable income, I'm getting a custom made Storm apron! *faints with glee*

My Favorite Writing Links

So I wrote this as an email for some friends in my critique group, and then thought to myself 'Well now that I've got this thing all typed out, I might as well post it.' So, you authors and aspiring authors, here are my favorite writing links! If you've got suggestions, add 'em in the comments! :)

My absolute favorite writing sites:
If you only click one of these links, it should be this one. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on this website and their query tracking tool has been a Godsend. You can use their site to search for agents by genre, and then use their free query tracking tool to keep track of each query that you send. It’s a great way to keep things organized without having to keep a notebook listing who you’ve queried, what agency, they were from, etc. You can just search your list electronically and avoid querying more than one agent at places where a no from one person is a no from everyone, check dates to know when a query should be recorded as a non-response, etc. Each agent also has a comments page, where people write about their experiences querying that person and how long it took for them to get a response. You can also find links on the comment pages to interviews, Twitter accounts, etc. if you want to do really in depth research. One word of caution is that they do list email addresses on each agent’s page (for those who take e-queries) but you should still click each agency’s website and read the actual agent listings there because they sometimes have different email addresses for queries or additional submission requirements, like a synopsis or sample pages.