A ridiculously funny video about a VERY deluded aspiring author.
Sadly, I know people who think that it's really that easy. Please. If getting published was that simple I'd have a shelf in Borders right now.
I didn't make this video. I only wish I had. © 2010 David Kazzie Link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9fc-crEFDw
Monday, December 13, 2010
It's Okay to Be Cliche, or, How Meg Cabot Restored My Faith in Writing

I've had my first five chapters of Jasmine Powers, Super Geek posted on Inkpop for about two months now (see this post for an explanation of what Inkpop is), and most of the feedback has been really positive and encouraging. But when I've gotten harsh critique, there's one thing that I've heard repeatedly: there are people who think my story is too cliche. I love my story, and I very purposefully included some so-called cliche elements in it because they are plot devices that I love, but I still take this to heart somewhat. One commentor said my story reminded them of "every 90's teen movie." My initial reaction was "Hooray! that's totally what I was going for," and then I realized that they meant that as a bad thing. Oh.
Critique Groups: Why They Rock & Why They Should Be Like Randy Jackson
Tonight (or rather, this morning since I'm writing this at 1 AM), I'm going to write about something very near and dear to my heart: critique groups. I participate in two - one is composed of online writers, who I have never met in person but have given me some amazing advice, and another is an in person group of fellow members of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators. My critique groups have been absolutely amazing at giving me helpful advice, and also giving me a confidence boost when I really needed one. A few weeks ago, I went to my group for SCBWI, and as I was reading I kept thinking to myself 'This is horrible. This is garbage. This is the worst thing I've ever written. I am so embarrassed. Why on Earth am I reading this out loud????' but I'd already started, so it was too late to quit. I finished reading my chapter, and sat back, waiting for my critique partners to eviscerate me and...they didn't. They actually had very nice things to say, suggestions too, but the general consensus was that they liked it. And once I took a deep breath, I realized that what I'd written was actually not so bad and even had some really nice moments.
Critique groups,
How to stay sane
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